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Global Gathering: The Rise of the Divine Feminine - Online

Matthew Fox takes part in the August 22 gathering of the Global Peace Tribe - a Virtual Variety Show on the “Rise of the Divine Feminine,” featuring prominent luminaries, teachers, spiritual guides, musicians, and entertainers who will assist us in maximizing the power of this important day. All the presenters have honored and supported "The Rise of the Divine Feminine" as it has been evolving forward for many years now. We are experiencing a heightened manifestation of this as it flows through the collective of humanity, expressed through shifts in consciousness around the treatment of women, the honoring of divine feminine values in our society, and the potential of the 1st female Vice President of the United States.

Luminaries: Z Budapest, Andrew Harvey, Tricia McCannon, Matthew Fox, Celestine Star, Marguerite Rigoglioso, Eden Amadora, Christy Michaels & Halo Seronko

Musicians: Johanna Beekman, Pollyanna Bush, Katie Ketchum, Heather Salmon and Donny Regalmuto

Dancers: Quimera Ritual Dance, directed by Anandha Ray

Sponsor: Lori Grace | Hale Akua Garden Farm: Eco Retreat Center

Hosted By: Scott Catamas (Love Coach Academy) & Debra Giusti (Debra Recommends & Harmony Connects)

We invite you to sing, dance, and listen at home to an eclectic mix of musical styles and speakers, always heart-centered and soul-driven. Come join us for moments of visionary inspiration, deep truth, reflection, prayer, and meditation, all addressing this unique time that our collective humanity is going through right now.

Join us for "Community Connections" after the main show ends! We invite deep connection and creative participation from the community until 9:00 PM. We invite you to come onto the gallery on Zoom and share. You can speak your truth & heart, transmit a prayer or poem, or inspire us to laugh. We will continue the "Community Connections" until everyone who wants to share has been able to do so or until it feels complete.

Online Community Gathering on Zoom!

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